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   EVER             DAY

Ever Day Art Studio and Educare is committed to cultivating intellectual, artistic and practical skills with a special focus on stimulating imagination and creativity. These qualities serve to make us more conscious, more compassionate, more responsive and more authentically human. Art bridges the material and spiritual worlds, realigns and reconnects body, mind and soul. Above all, art is powerfully therapeutic as it enhances and stabilises our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Our online and 5-day enrichment classes are facilitated by experienced and dedicated teachers. They are lots of fun and not only promote academic success but also emotional and social development. Our unique programmes are designed to help students engage more deeply in the learning process. They are interactive and project-focused, and they encourage students to think and feel more freely – be more creative, innovative and resourceful.

Colors of Cambodia provides free art education for Cambodian children through our gallery and in local schools. We also host various workshops and lectures by local and internationally renowned artists and hold full-scale art exhibitions regularly.

BUYING OUR BOOK ” a Story of Colors of Cambodia”.
This book explains one story of the origins of Colors of Cambodia, and how Honey Khor was inspired by the founder, Bill Gentry, and became a volunteer teacher in Colors of Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia. All proceeds go to Cambodian children via the Colors of Cambodia charity.

Please contact Ms Honey (012-606 9219) for further information and how to buy the book.

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